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Poems / Happiness

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. . . but you enjoyed, as after so many deceptions nowhere so you never found a happy life: neither a conclusion nor riches, nor glory, nor pleasure - anywhere. Then where is it? At work are reaching out to human nature. But how? Stick to pamatatzinumiem, giving rise to craving, and functioning. Under what pamatatzinumiem? Of good and evil: it is good that people are not doing a fair, sensible, manly, free, and there is no evil in it, which does the opposite.
Happiness is the ability to love.
Happiness is just the man you love, you understand.
own happiness, but the ability to be happy.
I understand that it is easier to become happy by limiting his desires than satisfy them.
Who enters the house of happiness through pleasure in the door, it\'s usually out of their suffering through the door.
human happiness - somewhere between freedom and discipline. Its own freedom without strict discipline and insensible laws fail to create a full personality.
Nedzenies for happiness: it is always within yourself.
other good fortune, we find his own.
Sometimes happiness is a piece of nonsense.
Happiness is getting value for human life, responsibility, happiness and death, because it justifies a person\'s life, saying, \'You are done correctly. \'
The happiness belonging to yourself to feel self-confidence. Also, based on the altruist wants to see themselves feel themselves to be great and proud that they bless others. . . . . Living for others is absurd, not happiness.
Happiness is not found in inactivity and in peace, but the move and zeal.
For a man to be happy, is not only pleasure in diversity, but also hope, an activity that gives meaning to life and change.
human happiness is not raised in height, so he neizjustu need for other people.

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