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Poems / Happiness

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Happiness - fiction, the quest - the cause of all misfortunes in life.
idea of ​​happiness - as the sole cause of all human misfortunes.
Human beings live in when they make a happy fortune of another.
rather then our life becomes happy when we do what we like, but when that\'s what we do, we like.
True happiness arises from the inner peace and sense of satisfaction at the turn into the development include tolerance, love and compassion, and thanks to the inside is ready to destroy hatred, and lust patmīla.
expectations of happiness - the happiness.
Art to be happy. There are various suggestions, but not everyone is suitable for smart people. Good luck can contribute to susceptibility. Some careless positions at Fortune Gate and waiting for its appearance. Other wiser being defiantly moving forward and acting paļaudamies to yourself, because sometimes winged heroism able to reach and touch it. But, properly speaking, there is no better way of virtue and zeal for the road because there is no higher happiness than wisdom and more unhappiness than nesaprātīgums.
Happy is he who has arranged his life as it suits his character characteristics.
often feel that the sky gives happiness only mediocrity.
mind prepares happiness, virtue crowned.
human happiness lies in the condition - to do with pleasure what to do. But human society is not based on this principle.
To our happiness would be complete, we need people around affection and assistance, the consent of us love and respect, to help us implement our plans to work in our good fortune to the same extent that we are willing to work for their welfare in favor of the necessary link is called a moral obligation, moral law.
to make others happy - that\'s the best way to become happy in this world, to be virtuous - means to take care of yourself like a fortune.
None alertness will not bring happiness. Learn to find joy in life - that\'s the best way to raise happiness. Although it would not try to, not shirk from the accident. Vairies of evil - that\'s the best way to remove evil.
The way to become happy - making other people happy.

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