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Poems / Man

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Man - best, short-sighted creature, especially when it claims that he was happy, or think that they can live as he likes.
[ Man ]
[Diogenes of Sinopis] said that when he sees the kings, physicians or philosophers, he seemed a man - is the most sensible of all living beings, but when he meets dream interpreters, the prophet or the people who have believe, he seemed as if nothing has nesaprātīgāks of people.
[ Man ]
Philosophy and Medicine made the most intelligent people on the same animals, witchcraft and astrology the same wildest, superstition and despotism - the same unhappy.
[ Man ]
Man - the most dangerous predator in the world, because only humans are characterized by a similar hunt themselves.
[ Man ]
no unnecessary people, but also not very positive person.
[ Man ]
The only thing that distinguishes man from animal is that he is able to eat did not experience hunger, and drink, did not experience thirst - want freedom!
[ Man ]
people so is a man that he is able to limit himself, and so he is a man of how to implement their business.
[ Man ]
also remarkable man is just a man.
[ Man ]
Man - the only animal who has the ability to laugh. Is he at the same time is not the only animal that deserves it, for him to laugh?
[ Man ]
man will not become a master of nature as long as not to become a master himself.
[ Man ]
man - the only creature that laughs and cries all, because it is the only creature who enjoys the distinction between what he actually is, and to what he should be.
[ Man ]
people - particularly animal whose options are limited, but, in turn, desires are endless.
[ Man ]
Like the soul without the body has called on the people, as well as the body without the soul.
[ Man ]
Man - the largest animal in the world.
[ Man ]
man is unlikely without extensive knowledge and mental strength. His burden is heavy and long in his path. Humanity - his burden, is it heavy? Only death is an end in his path, whether it be long?
[ Man ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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