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Poems / Woman

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Women are so high-flying, that can never be satisfied with one man. I have heard that even the most modest happy to agree that they belong to three: one in honor of the second and third wealth of pleasure. Besides, each of the three thinks that he is loved more than the others. In fact, the first two of the third serving.
[ Woman ]
man is afraid of his wife, when it loves, then she is ready to do anything and everything else does not matter to her.
[ Woman ]
woman was God\'s second mistake.
[ Woman ]
apbružājas The more a woman, because she gets glumāka.
[ Woman ]
who refused simply because there is no room, really indulge.
[ Woman ]
He who praises women, they are not sufficiently known, the one who condemns, does not know at all.
[ Woman ]
woman loves the hard-working people as servants, poets and artists - as ornaments, scientists - as a rarity. Clergy of his honors, favors the rich man, but a soldier - the heart.
[ Woman ]
woman either loves or hates: the medium she is unfamiliar.
[ Woman ]
outdated romance a woman is considered as the beginning of all evil and overcome the faded modernību to sing for her demonic. Time is recover and know that a woman of the same nature on the importance of altruism, citmīlas, all good media as a mother.
[ Woman ]
Latvian woman rescued in the past, perhaps created, folk poetry, or I expect too much, that she will save our soul in the future? She does not seek it, I know. But many times I\'ve hoped for others, where they themselves did not expect and I was right. I hope for you, Latvian woman, I know about you, the working woman.
[ Woman ]
Women realm - tenderness, sophistication and tolerance in the kingdom.
[ Woman ]
Then I found something that is more bitter than death, namely, female, similar to ceramics network whose heart is snares and whose hands are chains. That which God is well pleased, escape from her - but who sins will be taken from her.
[ Woman ]
woman it\'s about being sensitive and pleasant, peaceful and balanced. In this case, her presence and the goodness of calm and balance the others.
[ Woman ]

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