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Poems / Woman

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If sastrīdējušās two women to whom we have the same friendly feelings, then even if you do not have anything to do with the cause of their dispute, but you fail to maintain the same good relations both with one and other: most often have to choose one of two , or lose both.
[ Woman ]
easier from an old man is to know when he will die, than from a woman when she was born.
[ Woman ]
man another\'s secret better kept as theirs, but the woman better know how to keep their secrets to each other.
[ Woman ]
Similarly, the fish need mērīt regardless of the head and tail, watch a woman without paying attention to their hairstyles and shoes.
[ Woman ]
man loudly express their dissatisfaction with a woman who has ceased to love, and quickly calms down, the woman his feelings so openly does not represent, but long-suffering yet.
[ Woman ]
Women are prone to extremes: they are either much better or much worse now than
[ Woman ]
serve and not to make them wiser, but in order to justify its imprudence.
[ Woman ]
One woman has never recognized any other beauty.
[ Woman ]
Nature towards a woman on the crown of creation is a little too wrong choice of soft clay.
[ Woman ]
In some cases, women are much smarter than a hundred men.
[ Woman ]
can not do without the wife\'s the same way can not do without eating and drinking. We, the women and women born in mammals, largely live their lives and we have no chance of them refuse.
[ Woman ]
Women most of all love him because of that unsparing.
[ Woman ]
Beauty itself can all afford it, beauty can all be forgiven.
[ Woman ]
Women in nature, rather than because of any evil is hating those who love their husbands.
[ Woman ]
Women have a lot more courage, illness and death of her hosts with higher self-esteem, they have more compassion and less pretentious. Their feminine instinct is more reliable guide to life than our intellect.
[ Woman ]

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