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Poems / Life

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Life consists of a sob, sigh and smiles, with a sob is a lot more.
[ Life ]
of each individual human life - solitary confinement, where the wall instead of mirrors.
[ Life ]
Life - memories of a past day away quickly.
[ Life ]
Life like theater: bad people often occupy the best places.
[ Life ]
Life like racing: one arrives to compete with each other, others to trade, but their happiest watch. . . .
[ Life ]
great art of living lies in its ability to live happily in the present.
[ Life ]
granted by divine human life: life in the public interest and sincerity.
[ Life ]
Life itself is short, but when it is not happy, it seems long.
[ Life ]
those who all their lives to make one, and only going to live.
[ Life ]
Life reaches its highest degree of character and true to your idea. In character she is aware of their specific faith with a thatched objectives and the means and the will of its top independent from any external circumstances. Hero\'s life is life itself. Life and her faith and means of external types of changes, but the absolute content remains. The absolute life wants to portray the absolute arts - drama. Unconsciously she had done for Ancient, but perhaps consciously, and we only know a little about old times. But in our times seems to consciously turn away from that goal.
[ Life ]
not know - yet nau live to know - even nau do do - even nau want. But, you know, and do what he wants - it\'s live.
[ Life ]
Life. I understand it less and less, but love - over and over.
[ Life ]
urged his life longing for the future and feelings of hostility to the present.
[ Life ]
the least free person thinks about death, and his wisdom drawn from a contemplation of life, not death.
[ Life ]
Few living today. Most are going to live later.
[ Life ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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