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Poems / Rating

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how good is the city can be measured by its suburbs.
[ Rating ]
Every person and his or her possession at all times can recognize themselves.
[ Rating ]
Do not evaluate people by his friends. Judah\'s friends
had not the slightest fault.
[ Rating ]
each assessment serves as a reference point set
purpose and has meaning and significance only to the person who
for this objective.
[ Rating ]
test the spirits! If they do not win the secular feed
offended, money, beauty, power, they come as prophets, they
comes as the apostles of a better life \"beyond good and evil\", they
make signs, they say, act of humanity and justice
good: - \"I am!\" But you will recognize them by their
fruit. They have come angels, the beast, nomaitātāju
extortioners, friends, servants, lovers, assassins, and taught
smart appearance. But they could not, this: to be
charity, clear and humble. And they have not been able to
to love and forgive - the name of the true, divine meaning.
[ Rating ]
In order to assess some properties, even in part, it must also be
the same evaluator.
[ Rating ]
themselves are neither good nor bad. It all depends on
the way we look at things.
[ Rating ]
In order to evaluate a property, must be one of the following
particle within itself.
[ Rating ]
some parts of the world live monkeys, while in Europe
live in French - which is almost the same.
[ Rating ]
The main characteristic of the Italian National - complete
lack of shame. Shameless man behaves either too
unshackled by becoming defiant and arrogant, or too
done when he is getting scurvy. In contrast, modest
people are either too shy or too proud.
Italian never not too shy or proud, but
always either a craven, or arrogant.
[ Rating ]
Germans are accused of, that they imitated throughout francūžus
and English, but they forget that it is the smartest, the
they are as a nation are able to do this because the same
forces are unable to create anything useful and good.
[ Rating ]
Who knows dirt, it is unable to assess purity.
[ Rating ]
underestimate the enemy, become his victims.
[ Rating ]
Mother apjūsmota daughter does not become more valuable in the eyes of others.
[ Rating ]
I love pigs. Dogs look at us from below. Cats from
the top. Only the pig look to us as similar.
[ Rating ]

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