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Poems / Desire

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Good food, well-dressed - that it does not want to be happy? But
also work well - or everyone wants to be happy?
[ Desire ]
Women desire to please from a desire to love.
[ Desire ]
is much easier to suppress the first desire of himself
rather than later to meet all of the following.
[ Desire ]
Occasionally, when we are completely clear about the fact that we really
actually want.
[ Desire ]
wise man understands that it is easier to refuse to indulge yourself
a desire, rather than later to fight it.
[ Desire ]
spoon - it means I have lost myself.
[ Desire ]
We always strive for and want an unauthorized prohibited.
[ Desire ]
He devoted his life for spiritual perfection, Can not
Remain dissatisfied, Because that\'s what he want
always at his disposal.
[ Desire ]
If a person wants to get out of their miserable
the state, wants to truly
[ Desire ]
humans taken over by a strong desire to feel that everything
not enough is being done quickly.
[ Desire ]
Desire gets Human Nature.
[ Desire ]
If a man would not like anything, it would not be human.
The desire is for each cause of action.
[ Desire ]
When the gods wish to punish us, they will hear our prayers.
[ Desire ]
desire to have new needs, new sufferings,
embryonic state.
[ Desire ]
elections - that\'s our source of disappointment, and
life gives happiness only when it is running low.
[ Desire ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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