powers have always behaved as thugs, small - as br>
prostitutes. BR>
Like a man who just Acting only BR>
to thy neighbor, and all helping nepastiepjot BR>
hand, does not yet fulfill all their obligations, as well as br>
public, all the obligations and rights guardian, your BR>
as far as possible, adapting to the times and circumstances, it is BR>
endeavor to come to the rescue the lack of the limiting and stopping BR>
as far as possible, the distressed always consolation BR>
showing compassion and generosity. Yes, I am told, and BR>
always repeat that the country should be in your heart. BR>
best country is that which delights in subjects and BR>
live in prosperity. BR>
national prosperity or decay is almost always BR>
depends on the possessor of courage and mind. BR>
The waltz called saltāko all beasts. Salt and his BR>
lie, they lie and crawling out of her mouth: \"I state, I am BR>
nation. \" BR>
State power has always been and remains dangerous, but BR>
an inevitable evil. BR>
Company, which is mainly based on love and BR>
fraternity, has repeatedly been made, but always BR>
rapidly depressed. BR>
nation-state principle - a myth, irrational, romantic BR>
and the utopian dream of naturalism and gregarious collectivism BR>
dream. BR>
utopian attempt to achieve the ideal state necessitates BR>
after a strong centralized power in the hands of a few and the most BR>
leads to dictatorship. BR>
Only a strong state can provide their freedom BR>
nationals. BR>
When the moment has come when the public service, shall cease to be BR>
main task of the citizens and they prefer to serve BR>
it with their purses, not personally - State of BR>
close to its collapse. BR>
political body, like the human body, begins BR>
die since his birth and death itself brings its own BR>
causes. BR>
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