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Poems / Virtue

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virtues ends where the interest begins, like
the river ceases to where the sea begins.
[ Virtue ]
vices are virtues part, just as poison is medicine
component. Prudence is the dosing and moderates, so after
successfully used against the ills of life.
[ Virtue ]
Not all who have vices, scorn, despise all those
there is no virtue.
[ Virtue ]
name serves just as well as vice.
[ Virtue ]
tikumīgums Women often only care about your
reputation and your peace of mind.
[ Virtue ]
any moral origins and basis of its ability to contribute to the
a man to give up their desires and act contrary
own inclinations, even if they are at odds with his
[ Virtue ]
. . . there is something of which you could not say the nature
not given. Then reveals itself where it vispilnā degree
up to you - neviltotība, honesty, strength,
strictness with ourselves, nesūkstīšanās, neizlutinātība
benevolence, frankness, self-derogating mazrunīgums
[ Virtue ]
immorality - the virtue of living better than us.
[ Virtue ]
morals can be defined as: any human
principles for the conduct of which is to guarantee a
existence of all mankind, that is if possible more free from
suffering and the possible baudpilnāka, more or
only humanity, but as far as it authorizes the use of nature, and each
entity, which has the feel of power.
[ Virtue ]
izdēd flesh, virtue is gaining momentum.
[ Virtue ]
Would you like people to believe in your morals? Neplātieties
with it.
[ Virtue ]
is axiomatic that all human morality depends on
answers to the question whether the soul is immortal or not.
As if judging by the way philosophers of morals must be recorded.
They discuss how best to spend his time available.
[ Virtue ]
highest moral expression - his personal sacrifice
collective good.
[ Virtue ]
Virtue, which can move only in the religious crutches,
begins to limp when they lose.
[ Virtue ]
torn apart by virtue of life is just as immoral as life
without any moral content.
[ Virtue ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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