God is watching everything in its eternal present. BR>
Almost always we lose by sacrificing the present for the future BR>
benefit. BR>
Old Man ever had a young man, but is not yet known BR>
whether the youth will become the old man. It will also present the benefits of BR>
better for future benefits, as it is not yet known whether all BR>
it will be. BR>
future we are concerned about, but the past holds us in its BR>
arms. That is why the present slip away from us. BR>
One today is worth two tomorrow. BR>
not postpone until tomorrow what you can do today. BR>
truly generous contribution to the future is to give away all day. BR>
Children have neither past nor future, but unlike BR>
us adults, they knows how to live in the present. BR>
Present threatens the future and make it difficult in the past. BR>
Do not be sad after the last. It is not returning. Wisely BR>
izrīkojies to the present. It belongs to you. Go forward towards BR>
tain level of fog for the future without fear and the male heart. BR>
Although unknown to what we are, whatever not treated, we BR>
all the time we feel that we are not satisfied with it, and a keen BR>
strive towards the future, towards the unknown, because the present BR>
do us unduly. BR>
fruitful past and bring up the future - that is, present BR>
task. BR>
We never do not live in the present, we only anticipate the future BR>
and urged it as if it would be delayed, or reach out BR>
in the past and try to return it as if it had gone BR>
too soon. We are so unreasonable that maldāmies time BR>
we do not, carelessly treating and possibly, BR>
that we are given. BR>
We never do not think about the present, even if we think, the only BR>
Therefore, in order to get an idea of what to do in the future. BR>
Great art of living lies in its ability to live happily only BR>
in the present. BR>
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