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Poems / Feeling

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at least once in their lives are not lost sense?
[ Feeling ]
intelligent men limit themselves to doing good deeds.
[ Feeling ]
Intelligence - half of the wisdom of life.
[ Feeling ]
always irrational clerical. It is exaggerated to
infatuated. The mind no doubt, it does not distort the [reality]
do not adjust and nemistificē: he simply has limited
and disabled.
[ Feeling ]
The first task is to sense the unknown Making
[ Feeling ]
two extremes: completely deny the sense to recognize only
[ Feeling ]
drunken man - not man, because he has lost it,
which distinguishes man from the animal\'s - sense.
[ Feeling ]
human intelligence like the globe on which it lives: it
one side of the darkness encircled, while the other is
[ Feeling ]
Intelligence - is the refusal of the impossible all the necessary
[ Feeling ]
ruin what God wants, then they subtract common sense, and everything
he appears false light.
[ Feeling ]
The mind is worth it only if it serves love.
[ Feeling ]
wise and moral is always the same.
[ Feeling ]
The fact that intelligence is too often a losing battle, still serves
sufficient to justify a hysterical conclusion that it\'s never
reach their goal.
[ Feeling ]
Intellectual element of life is not so important in the fight for
always be decisive.
[ Feeling ]
. . . I would not be happy if that reason should be a
fool. . . if we value happiness, then even higher
assess intelligence. But if you think about it, it turns out that between
Fortunately, common sense and choose a sense, it means to be
[ Feeling ]

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