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Poems / Modesty

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their crust is better than another sinker.
[ Modesty ]
How can we not see That our nature does not Require Anything Other than
That as to ensure our body and soul Suffer to enjoy peace,
being protected from the worries and fears?
[ Modesty ]
retail there is the greatest happiness.
[ Modesty ]
shows a lack of humility of mind deficit.
[ Modesty ]
Modesty - a type of pride that most annoyed
[ Modesty ]
God. Because of their modesty dares to boast that
he is what made the world.
[ Modesty ]
modest and humble, but the glory of his own work,
is better than that which would stand out, but nevertheless
lack of bread.
[ Modesty ]
Two things I ask of you, and I prevent it before
I die: idolatry and falsehood to be far away from the
from me, poverty and riches shall not be granted to me! But allow
I did just enjoying me wish the amount of food -
my daily bread. Otherwise I could when I had
excessive eating, you start to deny and say, \"Where is the
Lord? \"Or if I become too poor, I
can begin to steal and sinned against your God\'s name.
[ Modesty ]
. . . modesty is voluntary poverty.
[ Modesty ]
Common modesty is seen as a weakness and indecision, but
when the experience will show people that they are
wrong, the nature of modesty grant new
attractiveness, strength and dignity.
[ Modesty ]
\'s good to be modest, but should not be indifferent.
[ Modesty ]
praise - modesty.
[ Modesty ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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