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Poems / Obligation

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first human duty - not cowardly!
Father, creating and maintaining a children meet only one third of the
self imposed task. He has given mankind the people
community - the members of the state - the citizens. Each
the man who can fulfill this triple obligation, but it
do, is to blame, but maybe more would be guilty if
do their part. He who is unable to fulfill his father\'s
obligation is right for a beneficiary. Neither the lack of, or
work, not other people\'s attitude does not relieve him from the
the same obligation to support their children and nurture them.
Our main focus is for us not as a cattle track
Chieftain, so we go not where the others go, but
go where duty commands.
fulfill its obligations to thinking, what a result will earn,
performance of their duties, regardless of whether\'ll be
happy or unhappy. Performing their duties and
full of peace, not with joy, not noskumstot, expect
any effect, it really is a great soul.
If not today, then tomorrow our flesh suffering and disease eroded
perish. Whether it is worth it because waive the obligation
Our respect for universal moral principles and the
sense of obligation.
our duty in this world do not succeed, but
continue to make error after error, above all, - with a smile.
human duty to be happy. If he is unhappy,
then he is guilty. And he has a duty so long to
self up some work, while the inconvenience or misunderstanding will be
try to fulfill its obligation and you are immediately
find what you are worth.
Duty - what you expect from other people, and
you do not want to perform yourself.
sense of obligation - just what we want to see
care for infirm parents, a good wife, and
minor son, even if they have a hundred sins
logical contradictions in the law or moral obligation principle
can not be proved: it can only be aware of.
a sense of duty - the most important condition to be
possible moral life.
Key people responsibilities arising from their vulnerability
in front of each other.

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