What is ultimately the people the truth? They are - BR>
compelling human delusion. BR>
Like other women true insists that the beloved BR>
for her to become a liar, but not the ambition to BR>
demands, but cruelty. BR>
What we are looking for? Peace and happiness? No, just one BR>
the truth, no matter how it would be extreme and frightening. BR>
concealed the truth becomes poisonous. BR>
ten times a day you have to find the truth, otherwise it BR>
will continue to seek the night and your soul will remain hungry. BR>
they left a bloody mark on his way, and, in their BR>
frenzy has taught that truth is proved by the BR>
blood. But blood is the worst truth BR>
proof, because it poisons the purest form of teaching into the BR>
of illusion and sowing hatred in the heart. BR>
I\'ve put together only by those who seek the truth Those implementing. BR>
Saturiņicīts> tekst
the search for truth rather than spend a fun, but BR>
excitement and anxiety, but it must look as if you do BR>
neiemīlēsi not find it and, you expect death. BR>
speak it as their urges to speak liking, br>
not true. BR>
Be a friend of the truth, even if you come for her BR>
suffer, but they\'re not advocate such a way as to make BR>
impatient. BR>
The truth is harder to understand than the people of falsehood, because BR>
the truth is organic and natural, and as such lies and BR>
izlobāma. While falsehood is artificially made and BR>
in certain cases and certain understanding of a righteous BR>
appropriate. BR>
truth may say so, how feelings can be quiesced because lie BR>
feelings, not the mind. BR>
lie to each other talking straight face, yet not BR>
the truth. The truth lies in getting value artificially. BR>
do strong people, then they will be true. The truth is not BR>
nothing but a sense of power. BR>
Truth Lies is a temporary, but the whole truth is so BR>
temporary - to perform better. BR>
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