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Poems / Repentance

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Remorse is the attapšanās that have something important
hard to regret what has been done with pleasure.
too late to dig a well, when the throat from thirst has dried up.
Who does not regret his offense is doubly guilty.
Whoever Vol evil - will reap disappointment.
before repair condition - his guilt.
Do not do nothing that you will repent himself dying. In
Life is just a moment.
Remorse is sorrow, accompanied by the idea of ​​something to do that
We believe we have made a free decision of his soul
as a result.
Holiness comes over a man who repent before
have left their manhood. . . . . Repent,
before the forces are not you going out, before pouring oil
luminaire has not faded.
world nežēlojiet it to leave - it is a detailed
size and a short span, we obtain the infinite eternal
glory or a non-refundable souls never lose
clarity and proximity to the creator. All of the obtained here also
remain, mostly those who would not want to leave.
Remorse washed and washes away any excess. Is a milestone
the place where the soul crying, the man wants to see and
feel your body as a clear, raised and lit
The glory of God as your spirit. Then they both become one, and
body no longer draws people back - lust, gluttony,
facilities, long sleep, self-admiration and self-worship
which has a long fruit extinction.
nesarkstot their repentance, that they are unhappy
only rich feed themselves without regret leaving the table. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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