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Poems / Death

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nebītos to death, always thinking about it.
[ Death ]
expect mature fruit fall, this world headed -
[ Death ]
We run toward death, because we lack the courage to
[ Death ]
[Socrates\' last words:] We are indebted to Asklēpijam cock.
Then Bring it to him, do not forget. [Treatment
God Asklēpijam rooster sacrificed by those who recovered.
It is possible that Socrates believed that his death is the soul
recovery and disposal of land troubles. ]
[ Death ]
is only mortal, having no heirs.
[ Death ]
When the beast comes the hour of death, he was straight on top catcher
[ Death ]
worse than death itself.
[ Death ]
bad, if a man there is nothing for which he would be ready
[ Death ]
bad, if a man there is nothing for which he would be ready
[ Death ]
fear death - it is already live.
[ Death ]
expression: I die daily (1. Cor.
15.31). If closes his eyes to his and not think īslaicību
of death, - walk safely in your sins, and they will not let
we are open, the eyes to the truth. Every morning say to yourself:
\"Only God knows if I\'ll be here at night!\" And in the evening
lying down: \"I do not know whether uzmodīšos am here!\" The death
memory deprives us of the fear, takes away passion lust,
selfishness, anger, hatred against the people do not love, do
be derived from any unnecessary things, not to mention
unjust gains.
[ Death ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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