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Poems / Love

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Love is the only remedy for hatred. It flourishes only
fearless in the human heart.
[ Love ]
Love never asks, it always gives. Love always
the sufferer, but never remonstration, never vindictive.
[ Love ]
To win the favor, you need to do a good job
do good and to the right and left, do not be stingy on
good words, better yet, work, love - to become
[ Love ]
loving neieilgst discords.
[ Love ]
Where there is no love, there is also joy.
[ Love ]
Is it love that is shared with the mind?
[ Love ]
Love is not yesterday\'s, love does not think about tomorrow.
It is hungry for today, but it needs without
balance, unlimited obscured.
[ Love ]
love of dance and created jewelry.
[ Love ]
Love and friendship are the ties that hold my
soul on earth. Dead at the moment these links will be broken
and my soul fly.
[ Love ]
Roses never so beautiful as when opening the sun
the rays of beauty - love rays.
[ Love ]
lucky. Mutual love will never do worry.
[ Love ]
Love becomes a moral sin, when it becomes the main
employed. It weakens the mind and leads to degradation
the soul.
[ Love ]
Love - a gift from heaven, which need to
it cherished soul the fullest and most beautiful imagination.
Pleasures of marriage fervor cools, the heavenly gift is lost
coarse and brutal debauchery, whilst pašlabums
turns it into a commodity.
[ Love ]
Love is not nothing but a desire for another man
be happy.
[ Love ]
Love is a human idea of ​​the need for
the person who attracts.
[ Love ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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