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Poems / Love

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In general, I feel hatred and abhorrence of the animal, which
called the man, but I sincerely love John, Peter, Thomas
and so on.
[ Love ]
Heart, in which there is no love, no sadness.
[ Love ]
is love, freely flying sky-blue. The love
warms the soul. But there is also love that dissolve
daily work. This love brings warmth in the family.
[ Love ]
unloved, it also does not love God.
[ Love ]
Love is life itself, but not unreasonable, suffering
full walk-behind and die, but blissful and infinite
[ Love ]
love is true, the highest benefit that solves
all the contradictions of life, not only destroys the fear of death,
but also requires the person to sacrifice his existence for others.
[ Love ]
Love destroyed death and turns it into a non-existent ghost, it
converts meaningless life comprehended what makes affliction
[ Love ]
Life without love as the year without a spring.
[ Love ]
No one is able to understand what is real love, before the
marriage lived for a quarter.
[ Love ]
German in Munich said that Wagner could not fall in love
in the first minute, was systematically learn to love her.
[ Love ]
Love is the strongest of all the passions because it
while taking over both head and heart and body.
[ Love ]
Love is stronger than patmīlu: a woman can love even
if she despises us.
[ Love ]
man gets the cool of a woman who loved her very much.
It appears that the matter of the heart is the same as the
charity: he who is unable to retaliate for, becoming
[ Love ]
Love is like a contagious disease: the more they
fear, as soon as you stick to it.
[ Love ]
Love - the only feelings, which are all at the same time
true and a lie, tell me about any Problem - it
turn out to be true.
[ Love ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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