loving nothing is too difficult. BR>
Love - a quest to obtain his friendship, which attracts a BR>
its beauty. BR>
True love is in distress. Similarly, the spark, it BR>
shining brightly, the thicker is the darkness of night. BR>
nedievina beloved deficiencies, it can not be said that he BR>
really are in love. BR>
from two human passions - \"love\" and \"hate\" BR>
a greater tendency to fall into the excesses are just \"love\". BR>
It is the desires, so also are stronger and more sustained. In BR>
iekvēlojas powerful love, because it is the worst BR>
anything that causes or threatens to bar, give the action BR>
freedom of \"hatred\" thus freeing an entire dozen BR>
evil. BR>
love often robs the mind to which it is, and give it to BR>
that for which it is not. BR>
Love - interesting and vispiedodamākā from all BR>
human weakness. BR>
We are all born to love, it is the principle of existence BR>
and the only one of its aims. BR>
Love is so omnipotent that makes reborn in us. BR>
Only a strong love can iron out its tiny BR>
misunderstandings that arise during cohabitation. BR>
Where there is love, there is no suffering that can break BR>
people. A true disaster - is selfishness. If you love only yourself, BR>
the major life challenge a man curse his hour BR>
the fate and suffering terrible agony. But where is the love BR>
and concern for others, there\'s no despair. BR>
When a man with his hand touching the woman\'s hand, they BR>
both touches the heart of eternity. BR>
Love one another, but nepārvērtiet love in chains. BR>
It is better to have excited the sea between your soul BR>
coast. . . . Sing, dance and have fun together, BR>
but each of you to remain alone in the desert is BR>
psaltery strings, although the music arises from the common BR>
sound. BR>
Love without respect is not long, not permanent, without dignity BR>
love - cold and weak. BR>
man who does not love himself in person, unworthy of our love. BR>
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