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Poems / Love

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Love spoofing is very similar to the truth.
[ Love ]
The highest proof of love - a submission to it,
whose love will.
[ Love ]
themselves are most suffering - the suffering of love.
[ Love ]
so many times I have heard of people
who die from love, but their lives have not
seen any that really would have died.
[ Love ]
Not very heart of man is his own power, not his own
the will to force yourself to love or hate.
[ Love ]
love the people have always been creative, they created
good and evil. And the fire of love and hate to burn in flames
on behalf of all the virtues.
[ Love ]
When we are changed, and can not self-replete longer self
love, the purpose of preventing his love for instance SPEs
next: for as for the immediate forced us to believe
that we are \"worthy of love\".
[ Love ]
\"Love your neighbor\" means first and foremost: \"Make your own
coming in peace! \"- And it is this moral element connected
the greatest difficulties.
[ Love ]
desire is to love yourself and fatigue in abundance, the desire to become
loved, as opposed to - self-craving, self-love. Loving yourself
izdāvā, the one who wants to be loved, wants as a gift
for himself.
[ Love ]
pretmīlestība, but a great love overcomes
suffering caused by one-sided love.
[ Love ]
pretmīlestības not love, but
patmīlas and sensual desire.
[ Love ]
from love what never hated what
[ Love ]
world already short of love and kindness to the
more likely to spend a fanciful creatures.
[ Love ]
too hot and passionate love will ultimately end with
tired and is harmful as well as very tasty food
[ Love ]
To deserve the love, the only one beauty
[ Love ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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