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Poems / Happiness

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. . . it is not happy with the crowd and treated as
whose hands are satecējis a lot of money, but having everything
benefit of his soul, - the righteous, noble man who
despise what others admire, who do not know anyone with a
would like to change places, the human dignity of
that he is a man who is a teacher by nature, which
he adjusts to the laws, and living, as he leads with
any power not deprive him of the benefits of evil draws benefits
that is safe in their judgment, and imperturbable
undaunted by the unknown forces can both excite, but no one
embarrassed by fate, with the utmost vigor raise my
dangerous arrow, not hurt, but only ieskrambā and the
only rarely.
What happiness is not seen fit to give, it can also take away.
Vairieties of reckless, hold aloof from passion
and pleasure, just as serious and thoughtful reach
true happiness.
pusillanimous souls is no room for happiness.
pleasure, luxury - that\'s what you call a fortune, but I
I think not want anything - it is the god of happiness, and
that is why just feel the need for a retail
close approach to that ultimate happiness.
before any funeral can not be happy.
Happiness concept is indefinitely varied. At all times
all nations and all classes had a different understanding of happiness
. . . . If we compare the peasant philosopher and built aircraft
castles, then the architecture will prove to be quite different.
Who is happy? - One whose body is clean, calm spirit
and cultivate their talents.
dream is something that is better than reality, is actually
something that is better than a dream. Happiness would be complete these two
Happiness is enjoyed without regret.
There can be no happiness as individuals outside the company
as well as plant life is not possible to be uprooted from the earth
Arid and thrown into the sand.
Happiness does not always do what you want, but always
want what you do.
There are two elections, the filling can generate real
Fortunately a man - be a useful and peaceful conscience.
Happiness does not always do what you want, but always want
what you do.
Few of us can tolerate a fortune - I think your
immediate happiness.

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