Happiness is becoming more of it, if the shares it with others. BR>
able to increase the life is happy. BR>
we spend much less effort to become more happy than BR>
then, to give the impression that we are happy. BR>
happiness comes to a happy, but bad luck - at BR>
unfortunate. BR>
Happiness is a sense of, not things. Happiness is what win BR>
The Same Love, not what a lovable recognized by others. BR>
Our happiness is not and can not be in full satisfaction of the BR>
nothing can be more want to promote only our mind BR>
flattening. Endless quest for new pleasures and BR>
new fulfillment - this is happiness. BR>
Happiness is by nature the most intense pleasure, what we BR>
are capable of, but the problem - the greatest suffering. BR>
Happy people feel even its short life the longest, but BR>
unfortunate - alone at night lasts forever. BR>
the happiness people more stupid than the top disaster BR>
caught up. BR>
. . . but you enjoyed, as after so many deceptions nowhere BR>
so you never found a happy life: nor a conclusion, BR>
nor riches, nor glory, nor pleasure - anywhere. Then BR>
where is it? At work are reaching out to human nature. BR>
But how? Stick to pamatatzinumiem, of which BR>
resulting inclinations and acting. Under what pamatatzinumiem? BR>
Of good and evil: it is good that people do BR>
fair, reasonable, manly, free, and there is no BR>
the evil, which does the opposite. BR>
Happiness is the ability to love. BR>
Happiness is just the man you love, you understand. BR>
own happiness, but the ability to be BR>
happy. BR>
I understand that it is easier to be happy limiting your BR> than the satisfaction of its desires. BR>
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