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Poems / Happiness

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human happiness lies in condition - happy to do what
do. But human society is not based on this principle.
If happiness expressed only in a physical sense of satisfaction, then
happy we are called bulls, who feast pea
to make others happy - that\'s the best way to become
happy in this world, to be virtuous - means to care for
yourself like a fortune.
To our happiness would be complete, it is necessary for us
bystanders affection and assistance, the consent
we love and respect, to help us implement our plans,
our good fortune to work in the same extent that we are
willing to work for their welfare in favor of the necessary
link is called a moral obligation, moral law.
None alertness will not bring happiness. Learn to find joy in life -
here\'s the best way to raise happiness. Although the
would not try, not shirk from the accident. Vairies of evil -
here\'s the best way to remove evil.
Happy is he who has arranged her life the way it
meet the peculiarities of his character.
The biggest happiness of life is the conviction that loves you.
Happiness itself finds its way to the spirit of the spirit.
The way to become happy - making other people happy.
Happiness is to satisfy all our desires.
Happiness is a being endowed with a mind state
the world, with her whole existence everything is going on
her desire and will.
happiness, that happiness Nava world.
One of the safer ways to become happy - save
dignity against himself, to be able to look back on your life without
shame and remorse, not seeing in the past
bad actions, not persons: or another
resentment, which would not be leveled.
Where happiness, there\'s also envy.
To feel happy, just enough for us to be with them,
we love dream, talk with them, to silence, to think
for them, thinking no matter what - just nešķirties, the rest
is indifferent.

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