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Poems / Happiness

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Where there is no desire for happiness, no ideation at all. Prone
for happiness - all leaning tendencies.
Being stupid, selfish, and with good health - three
conditions necessary to become happy. But if
this is not the first, then the rest does not make sense.
Happiness - fiction, the quest - the cause of all misfortunes
in life.
idea of ​​happiness - as the only all human
the cause of misfortune.
Greed and happiness is never encountered, so no wonder
that they do not know each other.
Happy is it, who consider themselves happy.
True happiness arises from the inner peace and satisfaction
feelings at the turn into the development itself
tolerance, love and compassion, and thanks
that itself is ready to destroy hatred, and lust patmīla.
expectations of happiness - the happiness.
Art to be happy. There are various suggestions, but not everyone fits
smart people. Good luck can contribute to susceptibility. Some
careless positions at Fortune Gate and waiting for them
appearance. Other smarter while being defiant moves
paļaudamies ahead and act on its own merits, because
winged valor sometimes is able to reach and touch it. But
properly speaking, there is no better way of virtue and
zeal for the road because there is no higher happiness than wisdom and
greater misfortune than nesaprātīgums.
Happiness knocks three times, but if not open the door -
will go to another.
Patience - the key of paradise.
rather then our life becomes happy when we do what we
like, but when that\'s what we do, we like.
Human beings live in when they make another happy
often feel that the sky gives happiness only mediocrity.
mind prepares happiness, virtue crowned.

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