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Poems / Happiness

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every happiness in life knocking on everyone\'s door
but often this time a man sitting at a nearby tavern and
hear the rap.
There is no greater happiness of his departure from the outside world, not
greater joy than contemplation, no worse enemy than
worldly life.
Happiness - just a dream, bitterness - a reality.
Happiness does not lie in the backwoods, there are fewer opportunities to find
the king\'s court, they are not even the wise: it is not doomed our
short life. It is necessary to waive it, but
at least in some cases it is possible to embrace their similarities.
Happiness is an abstract idea, which we take
some pleasant feelings.
themselves without knowing it, live happily.
Happiness - ABOUT BEING daunting: it is difficult to find in himself and
impossible to find elsewhere.
not pure happiness without suffering contamination.
Each constraint makes us happier. In our narrower
vision, and no doubt the circle, because we are happier. Because it
is broader - the more we suffer or are excited. In
together with the increase and multiply our concerns, desires and concerns.
limit, even spiritual, promotes our happiness. In
less we will be encouraged, the less suffering.
We have no right to consume happiness without it.
There are only three ways to be happy: think only about
God, just thinking about the next, only think of one
You do not want to be happy. Then the minimum of
thinking of personal well-being, take care of strangers,
then, it seems bet a thousand to one, you will reach
upper limit of happiness as long as possible.

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