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Poems / War

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Words kill war is greater heroism, and the
iron to kill people.
[ War ]
war scary as physically and spiritually, which will not only raped
common sense, defile the noble ideas that pushes
a wide variety of crimes, but also developing the nefarious
instincts: patmīlu into cruelty, cruelty
[ War ]
The first victim of war is becoming true.
[ War ]
Karu easy to do, but hard to finish.
[ War ]
Not a good war or bad peace.
[ War ]
War - a crime that is redeemable with the victory.
[ War ]
War threat - the reaction daily bread.
[ War ]
If our soldiers understand the reasons why we
war, no war would be impossible.
[ War ]
War is the father of all. One that made the gods, other
of people, one of the slaves, others free.
[ War ]
will not be so foolish man who will choose peace instead of
war. In peacetime, sons disposed of fathers, but fathers during the war
- Sons.
[ War ]
most people war means the end of loneliness.
I turn - Total solitude.
[ War ]
war any idea of ​​humanity - dangerous fallacy nonsense.
[ War ]
War is a continuation of the policy, but other means.
[ War ]
delight in victory means rejoice in the murder.
[ War ]
All armed prophets won, but all unarmed -
[ War ]

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