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Poems / Soul

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Consciousness nevaid buying for money or peace of mind for
all the world\'s gold.
[ Soul ]
people we love, it is almost always
power of our souls than ourselves.
[ Soul ]
Wisdom soul - the same as a health body.
[ Soul ]
, soul, thou shalt ever decent, simple, uniform,
naked, more clearly visible than you inclusive body?
Have you ever will enjoy the same treatment that would be friendly
and ready losses? Or you\'ll ever filled,
free from the needs and longing, without any desire -
or by living beings, nor the dead things - to
get satisfaction? Or neiekārosi nor the time to more
feel pleasure, or the place or land or climate or
people\'s favor? When you\'re finally at peace with it
the situation is, be happy about who you are. . . ?
[ Soul ]
Soul does not value its ability to rise high, but
and the ability to be orderly at all times. Its size
dižumā translate, but everyday.
[ Soul ]
Soul is a lover of song.
[ Soul ]
soul is just as mortals of flesh.
[ Soul ]
sick soul has the power to endure hardship.
[ Soul ]
soul dies. Leaving the previous housing, they again
top undertaken elsewhere.
[ Soul ]
truly sublime man is born with a great soul, but
Although most of their shows through their works.
[ Soul ]
of the human soul is lonely? - What are looking for guilt?
Looking for a view? By using small tools? What to expect
a miracle? The very substance of the soul must be lonely, it was built in
all over the world the basic plan. Intentioned soul of our spiritual
the world is the same as the atom of the material world, and the atom
is indivisible, in conjunction lonely.
[ Soul ]
But loving soul out of my solitude, abandon
indivisible, abandon yourself to the other, loosening the self, the top
another, to recover, or die? They have such a connection, because
self, however, remain with their own separate body and soul
lives. But if the soul turn to the very heart? But if you love
power is so great? But if the power of love develops? If many?
If all? Do you want the world to break the basic laws? Want
because I can not endure this world. Yes, you want to -
[ Soul ]
seeking to overcome the loneliness of the soul, we are inflicting more
one mistake: we do make this surrender a clear case in point. We always
next purpose: to understand us, to comfort us! - But
but the aim is: to overcome loneliness, to find ways to another
soul, to understand the other\'s soul. We are selfish, and
did not reach the other at large or small your goals. We
stand themselves go. We are asking for salary, the work is still getting value
done. Understand others - to understand ourselves. Understand yourself -
understand the world.
[ Soul ]
the human soul alone is lonely? Kustoņa is still a lot
lonely and unhappy, because his soul is far less
able to connect, even though unable to express themselves how
enough. - Nothing is getting value so Zelio to watch kustoņa
suffering and see that it is in vain trying to express yourself. But
we are able to to express their suffering.
[ Soul ]
Life reveals more useful prose writers than
poets. The first seek truth, the second for each
prices tend to attract the soul, but soul more than
truth attracts fallacy.
[ Soul ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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