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Poems / Friendship

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True friendship can only exist between people
able to forgive one another, minor flaws.
Trust - the first condition for friendship.
You\'ve found a trusted friend, when he became
remarkable is not stopped with you pazīties.
life more common in selfless love, as
true friendship.
Friendship, unlike love, is maintained: it
needs care, trust and tolerance, otherwise it
life the greater frequency of selfless love, than
true friendship.
My friend, now help me to get out of the difficulty,
read the latest sermon
We can not love any other than by extending
to ourselves, and the friends we care more
than for himself, only his own tastes and likes to lead. But
only by doing so, the friendship can be a real and
That\'s what people term the friendship is only
association, mutual benefit, respect and good
exchange of services, it is a transaction in which our selfishness
promises of benefits.
suspicious of your friends is apkaunojošāki than be
We sometimes thoughtlessly žēlojamies of your friends
to pre-justify the volatility of their friendship.
Although, as is rarely found in true love, true
friendship can be found even less frequently.
Second, the wisdom, the most beautiful gift to be sent
a man is friendship.
Be just as circumspect, concluding friendship, and their
stop it.
friendship lamb to the wolf, the camaraderie of honor
a person with a faker. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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