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Poems / Friendship

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Friendship - peaceful and quiet affection, which is driven and
reinforces the habit as a result of long-term cohabitation and
mutual obligation as a result.
A friend of a friend Who Does not Benefit him for getting
Friendly affection is based on the benefits gained by friends hoping
to each other. Subtract these benefits - and friendship
cease to exist.
With Friends neatļaujies liberty, otherwise you will be friends
only a single trade.
three times more than you got for yourself. At least
small particles of the original purity of heart reserve.
the treatment of your friends be as little as possible
burdensome. Most delicate - not to ask from your friends
no services.
friends taking the time to choose, even less of a hurry
replace it with another.
better be a good man than the enemy - bad
sick does not hide his guilt from the doctor, but the poor
hide their lack of friends.
life is simply nothing better than a friend\'s help and
shared joy.
If you want, you\'ve got to be friends, not vindictive.
good man in his membership to be identified.
Friend quarreling with friends - enemies rejoice.
Nedraudzējies with people who have lower morale
level as you.
True friendship can be attributed only to those people who can
each other to forgive their petty weaknesses. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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