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Poems / Friendship

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Nebiedrojies with sirdīgajiem and neturies with the character
sharp and bitter anger.
friend loves and tribulations in case they feel
and a brother.
. . . tell you today that I gave pleasure to read
Hekatonu. \"You ask me,\" he says, \"I have reached?
I\'ve started myself to be a friend. \"He achieved a lot:
will never be one. And you know: this is also a friend to all.
busy with his or her husband, the largest problem is that
he considered friends of people who are not the same
He imagines that it is sufficient for the acquisition of friends to do
good, but some people hate the most directly those who
They are owed the most: small loan makes
debtor great - the enemy.
I would not be your friend, if all that is true for you,
intact and me.
To keep friends, must be able to forgive.
can allocate all, just not in love.
Easily tell you how many sheep
Belong to he, but not everyone will tell you how He has friends, -
They Are so low judged.
People have been doing it most useful to strengthen
friendship with deeds to prove.
Looking for friends who would not have to sacrifice self-pity.
Help to people in difficulty to help you too.
with bad friends, will not see anything good in life.
If you want to remain a secret unknown enemies
Do not disclose it to friends.
Even death with friends - Celebration. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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