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Poems / Work

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Working to enjoy the rest, the work and pleasure ranking
it is our true calling.
[ Work ]
scientist without works - like a tree without fruit.
[ Work ]
two people work is not rewarded, their efforts have been
in vain: it is, a life STOCKS property when not in use,
and that stock of knowledge, without the use of them.
[ Work ]
Each of us - the work of his own son.
[ Work ]
active every minute of life comparable to gūtai victory.
[ Work ]
Wise is he who does a lot, but he who does it,
[ Work ]
the kernel - and granary.
[ Work ]
jānokaunas when he gives advice to learn from
labor of love from the ants, and the double jānokaunas if he
do not follow this advice.
[ Work ]
If you do what you do, then do it right. In case you have not
able or do not want to do it right, it is better at all
do not do.
[ Work ]
He who does not do over, there are always a lot of mates.
[ Work ]
Nor happiness is a prerequisite for work: first,
free, tasking work, on the other hand, physical work, which gives
and a good appetite and a strong, soothing sleep.
[ Work ]
If you decide to work successfully and the ieliksiet
all your soul, the same happiness will find you.
[ Work ]
It\'s awful hard work - do nothing.
[ Work ]
Work - the last refuge for those who more or something else not able to.
[ Work ]
deliver us from three great evils: boredom,
vice, lack.
[ Work ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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