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Poems / Work

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Work only for old fools and horses.
[ Work ]
true realm of freedom begins only after the ending
work is dictated by necessity and external focus,
So, in essence, it is outside the material production
[ Work ]
I\'ve done many richer countries pharmacies, but
No medication has not helped me as a regular spiritual
activity. If the work, as stated in the Old Testament is a curse, then
I want my true God, ask what it is your blessing?
[ Work ]
habit of patience to work - the same as addiction
patiently endure the pain.
[ Work ]
woman and genius do not work. So far, the woman has been
humanity\'s biggest luxury. Every time we do
everything in our power, we do not work. Jobs - only
feature that leads us to these moments.
[ Work ]
What a lot of work, long lives.
[ Work ]
Rather than war, but work gets man manhood: work
more justified than the right justice: and, if
humanity will ever reach bliss, then only thanks
[ Work ]
work for others - noble, good work vārgstoša -
most necessary.
[ Work ]
What job do it over the work speak. What can not work,
It works criticize. What does work, it is silent, and work for
they are talking about.
[ Work ]
mechanical system can not be forced overwriting and
more productive to do with the fact that change spiedējus, leaving the same
forced labor. Evil exists duress.
[ Work ]
work for others - noble, good work vārgstoša -
most necessary.
[ Work ]
life without work - theft, all work and no skills - barbarism.
[ Work ]
Working to enjoy.
[ Work ]
People are naturally lazy, but expressed the wish
work is the first fruit of which bears a well-equipped
company, and if the people lazy and make-up again
indifference, then it will happen again in the same company
netaisnuma of a grant to work it the importance it
[ Work ]
Of all the types of activity that are able to provide
human existence, nature meets most of his arm
job. Of all of existence from the public
fate and most independent people - craftsman
[ Work ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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