What other evil doing - his own cause, what other good BR>
do - and do yourself. BR>
To a man, thinking to himself: \"It spared me go.\" BR>
are not treated lightly against evil. Drop by drop BR>
container is filled, all full of evil bad top jobs BR>
darošais. For a man not treated lightly against the right, at BR>
myself thinking, \"That I can not be reached.\" Drop the BR>
a drop of dish is filled, - the wise, doing a good BR>
getting a job after another full of goodness. BR>
What nepiedienas do nothing, even in thought. BR>
Party handfuls of good work is worth more than a barrel BR>
expertise. BR>
When a person has committed evil work of fear, that it could be BR>
to know people, he was still able to mend. When done BR>
good job, a man trying to find out about the people, BR>
he creates them. BR>
As the body without the spirit is dead as well as the dead BR>
faith without works. BR>
Human nature is found in his works not with words, while BR>
how noble these thoughts would not. BR>
put a good job next to another so that between them BR>
not left the slightest slots - that\'s what I call the BR>
enjoyment of life. BR>
Every job doing it, as if it were your last life. BR>
do a poor job - basely, do good when they are not BR>
related to the dangers - a normal thing. Good person - it BR>
who is doing great and noble things, even if he risks BR>
with everything. BR>
To do good, you need the mind of a fool do not BR>
able. BR>
better to take your bad than good to someone else. BR>
take no work - this is the first wisdom BR>
principle. If you have resorted to the job, then it leads to BR>
end - this is the second principle of wisdom. BR>
No good work is lost. BR>
Each person is assessed according to their works. BR>
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