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Poems / Pleasure

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. . . enjoying fast weighing on the misery if it fails to comply with the mayor.
finally, approaching the hour of death, your
defects die before you. Refuse the turbulent
pleasures, which are less costly to pay. Not only in the next, but
the past harms. As with committed
crime even when it is not found, does not go away
anxiety, as well as dirty pleasures followed by remorse.
Who led the enemy ever arrived shame as some good
shamed the same pleasure? True, their rebellion
extravagant lust could be forgiven for one reason: they
selves from what does.
soul should not be cowardly: if piekāpšos pleasure,
must give way to pain, difficulty concessions, concessions
poverty,. . .
It is easy to do it for people who enjoy all of life
benefits run amok, providing them with pleasure is
much more difficult.
Only the need is rising enjoy.
more pleasure, as one can experience an honest man - a
provide pleasure to their friends.
Use, please do not just excesses - that is wisdom
always enjoy - meaning not treated at all.
sense that the work is bearing fruit, is one of the largest
Enjoying the fruit of labor and the prize for it.
Minute pleasures are often the cause of prolonged suffering.
Enjoy yourself and give pleasure to others without doing damage to yourself or
not others - here, in my opinion, contains the essence of virtue.
pleasure - always only needs to satisfy.
highest, diverse and intensive pleasures -
spiritual pleasure, although we do not take advantage in this context
themselves at a young age, but, above all, the pleasure is dependent on the
mental strength. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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