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Poems / Pleasure

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The more we lose the natural pleasures, we will replace it as
a man.
Happy does not every pleasure, but only fair and
pleasure - the greatest bait to bring us toward evil.
the absence of danger, it enjoys a less pleasant.
Magic of nature - the same desire for them.
People are looking for pleasure shooting from the excesses of extreme
only because it feels the emptiness of his life, but still
do not feel the emptiness of the new entertainment that attracts them.
There is no such pleasure, which eventually nepārtaptu supersaturation.
Enjoy this beautiful phenomenon flowing, this life, these noble
feelings of life and high thoughts, personal warmth, communion with
friends and community with the highest mass with himself, all
passage of global communication - but know that this is thy nau
life goal, just a means to a higher purpose. And height
your pleasure and your strength.
for which it is not talking.
it is possible to enjoy calm, which may be lost
without bitterness.
highest pleasure is to be satisfied with itself.
Art intensify pleasure lies in the skill of their limit.
. . . vices, providing pleasure, we present the stalker
, my Lucile, jāiegulst thy soul, that thou scorn
pleasure created by a crowd of recognition.
What pleases the crowd, gives only a minor, shallow pleasure.
any joy that comes from outside, the lack of a strong
basis. . . . Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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