100 positive poems
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Poems / 100 positive poems

Page : 6
At least the sun. If you have not just decided not to get. Nothing you do not. No nothing. And will not. Not what to pray. Poverty. But - at least the sun. Even a simple reason.
Just as a. Winter and summer, spring also. My brethren and say it. Solar Brothers. Sword is a sword. Step Brothers - his party. Asinsbrāļi fighting for his father\'s legacy. We are brothers sun.
Asks: what we have. At least the sun!
So alone. One in all. One for all.
And if you think about it - for our sakes.
Something, however. At least the sun.
At least. Generally have little. Count for yourself!
Yes, but forgot to say. It is not a spoon.
It is not one apple tree. Herring is not the one - one sun! Sun! Starts a new series of numbers. Far have not been. To one. To at least one sun.
At least.
re, the sun is shining!
Learn the sun, the Beetle!

Re the lapel, green and copper,
inside and out!

Skuja nedur
then, not shaving the gas.

re, the sun is shining!
Learn the sun
solar tree

Izspraukusies through
Another one-year range
Gradually approached the light,
Approached the sun tree.
Gradually entering the fruit
And to the middle of morning,
Allows you to swallow
Fly to sing at the other.
And when you hear the saying:
\'\' She is silent. . . \'\' -
Do not believe! Solar Tree
I\'ll be surrounded.
morning dew
As a small tit
huge oak tree

It is neither too large
is not small
this life
comes out -
if there is a large
then everything comes out great.

blue eyes
is published,
not to himself,
but to their country

If not for another,
it is not the same
comes out -
where the heart is
good light,
then all dear

morning dew
As a small tit
huge oak tree
It will illuminate the life,
When light falls felt.
Feel yourself as forehead ornaments,
Who lost the grass shines.

I am standing in a large forest,
Where tree branches light sauce
And rays fall, shadows passing,
Here the light is even more worthwhile.

The moss lay prostrate before I wake up,
And cones and moss com
And asked me to nepieceļos,
For someone asks about them light.

Among the small light landings -
Since my voice or other sounds?
\'\' Let them illuminate the life!\'\'
\'\' Give illuminate the life of me!\'\'
Autumn, you are gentle with me!

Autumn, the time bitter rowan,
Autumn, be gentle with me!

Friendly entwined around my forehead
His sunny September peace,
Water lily, which plaukušas glow,
Gently deposited into the lake bottom,
Let me vivid as the red maple
Spoguļoties your clarity.

Autumn, the bitter rowan time
Autumn, be gentle with me!

Enjoyment of others, I waited a long time,
Hours as against the current wolf Struga,
Sand had a dry and hot as ash,
Abraded sore shoulders and wrist,
Now, when the cranes fly south,
Day light come towards me, and light.

Autumn, the bitter rowan time
Autumn, be gentle with me!

Let me smiling puddles along the pass,
Think good and do good,
Let me with a firm hand and a cool
Reckless lapkritim head noglaust
And once again larks calls
Your air then leaves me.
now I\'m so bright
me great happiness is wrong
and do not know - why
now everything is mentioned

the icicle that falls
the well bucket shines
slowly across the field as
re, blue spruce Brien

where the tree is unlikely to go
I Vera eyes closed
but everything remains the same
white, white subdued

growing inside me someone
white wood or white one plant
as if I come across
the white book cover

no subject without the
and the book
everything clean and pure
and has not yet been called on behalf of

now I\'m so bright
me great happiness is wrong
and do not know - why
Everything is mentioned
you free. Look, the wind is open,
Dog exempted from the barks of joy.
And the world as zive green
Flying through my retina.

Where is it, by the way I drive?
Not down on hatred, not a mountain grin.
I myself slowly spread out.
And slowly melt the lead.

And I will not give up, not fighting,
Not what I ask of the world.
As the lead melted, I spread out.
To win me a new pour.

Willow, Gauja inlets friend
how are you slender and delicate!
Thy velvet pūpoli
The first sip of honey bees.
Pali rushed over to you,
ice pink bark is digested.
But the roots of shoots
brought back green heads.
Instead of gold dust,
you are my hair rot,
Your tenacity root
successor will be.
, land nurturing, caring for yourself.

When the earth is thirsty, and I am thirsty.
I hear myself through him.
Blossoming flower. Where it blooms beautifully -
Here - here or in the ground - in the heart?

This dark softness, friability,
as he needed all of us,
This temporary shelter from the wind.
I get loose before sowing.

And the apple tree, which this year institution
Tear me in its branches,
And unmanaged hands, the hands unmanaged,
They groomed me to do.

In the land nurturing, caring for yourself.

Grow grass, strinkšķēdama sound!
I skanēšu to you.
Consequently, a nurturing ground.
Consequently, land nurturing, kopsiet me.
anything all day only morning
I would
a white rose in his hand
and operated
well iedarīts
which then no longer jāizmoka

the job for
well iedarīts
already be dead on the afternoon
Sun set div hands trembling
div petals
Loose quiet

just cook a shadow over the run
this place as burnt

I get all-
the devil and the good,
I get all-
heinous and saints,
and hate me
and love to get,
and nothing better
I can not wish yourself.

I get-
Low fall and fly high,
and leave all
not being able to, but to be able to
through the hot youth,
to death in cold,
and nothing better
I can not wish yourself.

Outside the window as the dew, the dew
Morning has come zalgojošs
And my soul requires
And clarity to your

But life is not bass,
On the shoulders still dreaming and sleep,
And yet the softest lawn axis
On the hardest asphalt Stieg.

But waiting baltnepielūdzamība
Vilinādama and flies.
As a first kiss - so tough
There modiens to a new life.
Nesēdi evening
my friend,
on the stairs
and neveries stars:
like poets,
who shines so after death.

basement apartment
Janitors lit candles
and six at the table,
calling the tram
by spoons
telecommunications being altered.

and thin as paper
on sidewalks
settle gurusi fog.

yellow as butter.
It is a pity that not until
knife and bread,
after which it will go?

Dream yellow sandwich
fit now
then we sit quietly together.

As the cloud drift
rest my head
on your knees.
And your fingers
the burning head
I feel
the cool rain drops.

Look -
mist up to a month
as flies wing.

Fear of the dark trees,
they covered sweat
the brass handle on the island. . .

my friend,
on the stairs!
iekuršu fireplace
Thirteen logs.

Will remove the two pillows
of bed
and overlap them
on the floor
with a blanket,
which have brought
tents of the Kirghiz.

In vain
night will want to board out the window.
Aizvilkšu curtains in front of
soft and thick
the hair.

Noaušu quickly
you legs
and I will put under his bed

Two sit
to fire
so close
and clothes
from start to glow smoke
as saskrieti horses.

On your lips
will descend
silent bird.

In my eyes
\'ll be sitting the whole
the womb.

I\'ll speak a story
for boys,
who walked around the fences
and pointed jokes.
Nesēdi a friend
on my stairs. .
Tonight, I will dream of
for all that higher than the towers.

Square on the bench -
on the bench, where the streetcar rumbles past,
or feel the smell of the meadows
Copper and wonderfully soft as rain?

Probably there birches
blue sky
stands as white as naktsreklos.

Cows sighs houses.
Sheds, small as salary,

there could sink into the wall,
skūpstošā wall.

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