100 positive poems
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Poems / 100 positive poems

Page : 8
Every drop of blood

Black white birch stands coat
How to make the holidays go,
Standing in my native land birches,
The roots of a dog\'s silence sings.

Among nārbuļu and heather flowers
Around the mushroom dry fly SiC
And the air smells like in the past,
Oh, the smell coming up the longest!

And I bow respectfully,
I am rubbing against the bow,
And will the name of love
The dvēsles rewrite the bark.

And uzbango every drop of blood
Against the homeland tenderness capabilities,
And, silk skirts čaukstinādams,
Over the ends of the tree ran wind.
as snow mountain tops

As snow mountain tops -
For ever we would be white.

Before the sun comes in they
Pink and gold blāzmojas.

When the bottom is covered with heavy chair
They also glow nenostāj.

Although they are often in the south
Gaist blue-white sky.

Soon, however, the fog will
And - they will reflect the sun.

As snow mountain tops -
For ever we would be white.

Oh, star of the long, slow kind,
You - ever unfading flower
Above yellowish cloud,
When forests across the sunset off!

How many thousand eyes of night, quietly,
When her desperate ardor,
You\'re not already shining
And cikām nespīdēsi yet?

How many thousands of heart resonates with
You, teaching to suffer pain,
Although the same spark as you have,
What riņķodama dark dziest
Svilpojama song

With a star in your pocket
walking through life,
and not stop damaging
no fate so dismal,
a Moonbeam
where the flowers always face,
branches of the soul
the cherry bush.

With joy in your pocket
walking through life,
then not see
will see shortly,
then realize
gājuputnu shouts
why make the heart
get up in the sky.

A long, long time still to
blooms in the lake between the trees the moon shadows
you pick up your mouth and slowly alkanes

as normal and full-day care
by SWEET FLAG CALAMUS dzelmēm pārkaituša wall

sounding voice
no sound, but the lip corners three
the luxurious life of the unjust and short
For every hour thank God,
On one breath,
For each day of life.
And if the pain is so me,
For every hour thank God,
What did he make me live.
I would be delighted to go,
How to go streams will disappear. . .
as easily,
so that the laughter,
tiny laughter.

So that Vēsmiņš,
viegliņas breath,
comes the same
and go by themselves.

The will to touch
easily and gently.
Do not tell me that
hard times!

Tap slowly,
quietly, quietly -
the world will stop
moment in a while.

World like
the easy-going.
Put me
tilting arm a bit!
You can cry, you laugh -
I have a horse that sings at night!

Sounds song does not,
the name of the song does not,
the same songs are not,
the same horse

However, life goes better,
with horse
who sings at night. . .

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