Latvian Declaration of Independence dienaValsts Declaration of Independence Day celebrates 4th. May - marking the Latvian declaration of independence from the Soviet Union in 1990 . year by the Supreme Council Chairman Anatoly Gorbunov themselves voted 138 deputies . Before leaving the room 57 Declaration of opponents representing the fraction of . 4 . May event has its origins in 1989 searches . year , the popular national awakening movement - the People's Front walking towards the full restoration of state independence . Although the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev urged Latvia to restore national sovereignty in accordance with the laws of the Soviet Union , the Latvian Popular Front was not willing to . Thus, Latvian Declaration of Independence , the country regained its official name of . Adopted in the Constitutional Articles . Assuming such a historically significant declaration by a standing ovation and cheering MPs to support the building of Parliament made a large number of Latvian residents . In addition, a lot of people going to their television sets watching screens . Overall, in 1990, of 4 . May Latvian people were filled with joy , touching and full of jubilee day . As noted, Today, treatment for these days are not unanimous - there are people who must be recorded and honors , but there are those for whom the date gives you a first disappointment and frustration . Most of these people are older , most of them many years ago - 1990 . of 4 . May was among the thousands of people play it and wept for joy , watching the Supreme Council meeting live television screens or shouted cheers and exultation to Members of Parliament , and the concerns expressed anxiously counting up every voice that has been put on the Declaration of . Today the majority of these people claim that at that time the restoration of Latvian independence them centered entirely different expectations and the future they waited very different than it is now . Social problems , political and economic situation in the country makes them feel bitter about today's situation in the contrast of the time dreams , plans and expectations . lv .